woensdag, februari 08, 2006


A few days ago the 'Absolute Heresy' blog was unfindable, and I believed at the time that AbsoLibator had taken his site down, having found the true love of his life..... or maybe a quickie with a woman in a burka on East Third, like Yehuda found Tamar.
But no. I am happy to report that AbsoLibator was only temporarily out of order. Maybe there were.... hirhurim. Only hirhurim. Which can be fun, but they hardly qualify as proo oorvew, nicht wahr?
He must have taken his blog down the next day, while he soaked in the mikvah and was unclean until evening.
--- --- --- --- --- ---
The good news is, he's back!
Here is his link: http://absolutecelibacy.blogspot.com/
Now go visit it. Leave a comment; leave several.
Discuss with him.
Unless you're a woman.......
We don't want any more hirhurim in the Yeshiva.
A groisn dank forois.


At 3:28 p.m., Anonymous Anoniem said...

Is this guy for real? Or is this some kind of candid camera joke? From what I know his view that Halacha says as he does is a false idea. How are Jews supposed to continue existing? Our Zeides and Bobbes were all sinners? If he denies the existence of the Rishon Rabbi Avraham Ben HaRambam then let him get an Artscroll History book. Yisrael Asper (Again)


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